Monday 18 August 2014


This term we have been learning about plants and what they need to survive. We have shown the principal a presentation on why and where we should  have a garden. We came up with plans on where to grow a garden. All the table groups in our class were given a place in the school to research and then they had to report back to the class on why it would be a good place to have a garden.
We have grown our own lettuce plants in class. We had to figure out where to put it and how to look after it properly. Everyone in the class got into groups of  3 or 4 people and filled up a plastic bag with soil and had to make sure not to inhale it. Then we put in about 7 lettuce seeds. After that we had to sprinkle about a table spoon of soil on top of the seeds. Then we watered them and put them in a sunny place. We had to rearrange the class to do this.

The reasonability that comes with having a garden at Silverstream school is watering it every week and making sure that it gets a lot of sun.

Corban and Ammon

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